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German beer

Germany is world-famous for its beer culture that stretches back centuries. With hundreds of breweries spread across the country, German beer is a symbol of tradition, quality and diversity.

From classic lagers to refreshing wheat beers, the German beer scene offers something for everyone. With deep-rooted historical roots and unrivaled expertise, German beer is a must-try for everyone.

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German beers: Law of purity and richness of flavor

The German Purity Law, also known as Reinheitsgebot, is one of the pillars of German beer brewing. Introduced in 1516, the law sets strict standards for the ingredients in beer to ensure high quality.

This tradition has created a unique beer culture where brewers focus on quality over quantity, producing beers of unsurpassed purity and flavor. The malty and hoppy aromas make German beers rich in flavor, reflecting centuries of craftsmanship and tradition.

A guide to Germany's beer culture

Germany's beer culture is a fascinating journey through the country's diverse landscapes and regional specialties. From northern Germany's light and refreshing pilsners to Bavaria's dark and malty bocks, there's an incredible variety to explore.

Beer festivals like Oktoberfest and Starkbierzeit (strong beer festival) in Munich offer an authentic insight into Germans' love of beer.

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